Wadi Tiben & Wadi Tajra - Overnight Trip 11-12 October, 2024

Date 11 Oct 2024
Days 2
Distance 29.00KM
Difficulty Moderate
Price Per Person 130.00 JOD

Short description

  • Assembly point: Mecca St. 234, Amman: https://goo.gl/maps/EjdHcxVjswra1znt8
  • Time of assembly: 6:45 AM
  • Time & Date back to Amman: Saturday, 21:00
    • Hike distance on day 1: 15 km, 4 – 6 hours 
    • Hike distance on day 2: 14 km, 5 – 7 hours
  • Hike difficulty: moderate – difficult 
  • Destination: Tayebeh/ Rajef Region, Ma’an
  • Transportation: Bus 

Regional Description


What To Bring?

Online Shop

Price includes

Payment policy

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Price quote

Wadi Tiben & Wadi Tajra - Overnight Trip 11-12 October, 2024

130.00 JOD