Personal details

Personal Info
Health Details
Do you have any allergies?
Additional Details
Do you have a Jordanian citizenship or work permit ?
Do you have the Jordan Pass ?
Emergency Contact Details
Medical Details
Are you on any medication?
Past Injuries Details
Do you have any past injuries?
Add People
Transportation Group from 1 - 4 people (Sedan Car) 100.00 JOD
Transportation Group from 1 - 6 people (Van) 150.00 JOD
Transportation Group from 1 - 18 people (Bus) 200.00 JOD
Food Lunch Group from 1 - 4 people (Local Family) 50.00 JOD
Food Lunch Group from 5 - 10 people (Local Family) 100.00 JOD
Food Lunch Group from 11 - 15 people (Local Family) 150.00 JOD
Food Lunch Group from 15 - 18 people (Local Family) 180.00 JOD
Agree Terms and Conditions
Umm Qais (Gadara) - Almond trail
Price per person: 150.00 JOD
Total People: 1
Total Add On Price: JOD
Total Price: 150.00 JOD