Kherbit Al-Souq to Dibeen 19 October, 2024

Date 19 Oct 2024
Days 1
Distance 12.00KM
Difficulty Moderate
Price Per Person 40.00 JOD

Short description

  • Assembly point: Mecca St. 234, Amman:
  • Time of assembly: 6:45 AM
  • Back to Amman: 6:00 PM
  • Hike Distance: 12 km
  • Trip difficulty: 
    • Terrain level: Moderate +   
    • Hiking level: Moderate    

Regional Description

What To Bring?

Online Shop

Price includes

Payment policy

Cancellation policy


Price quote

Kherbit Al-Souq to Dibeen 19 October, 2024

40.00 JOD